A blog that touches on life's many ways in a different prospective.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ralph the kazoo-ing bear.

There once was a man who lived in Kalamazoo. He provided for his family by playing kazoo. Only on Sunday's would he take a break; H'd sit down with his family and eat some nice steak. One day on a Sunday afternoon, he took his family too see the new zoo. They saw many animals that sunny day, but one special animal made them all stay. His name was Ralph and he was a great bear; for years he had stayed in his cage in a chair. But one thing was special about this bear in the zoo- he was known for playing a special kazoo. The man and his family were so very ecstatic; but the zookeepers cautioned, 'his behavior's erratic!' But the man and his family had such great faith. They knew this bear needed a happier place. They then left the zoo, leaving the bear; making a promise, a great thing declared: "we will return, and get our friend!" So when night fell, they hatched a great plan. "He'll come live with us!" shouted the man. The family donned ski masks as they let for the zoo, preparing to take the bear with kazoo. They arrived at the zoo and snuck into the grounds, making sure nobody was there or around. They went up to the cage and broke off his lock, the bear stepped out smiling saying "let's rock!" The whole family pulled out there fancy kazoos, and they all played a tune as the ran from the zoo. The family got in the car with the bear in the rear. And when they got back, the bear was in tears. He was happier than happy that he was now free, and he cordially thanked his great new family. They all played the kazoo like never before, and the old silence on Sunday tradition was no more. Here we end our tale today, they all lived well, happy and gay.

A lovely story by Than Peterson, written on my iPhone just for me. :)


  1. hahaha, that's awesome... Than's skills have no end.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He is just a really surprising person! Once you think you know him... he does something else to amaze you :D
