A blog that touches on life's many ways in a different prospective.

Monday, December 26, 2011

My first furry pet

Over Christmas vacation I was with my family a lot and stories were told. One of them, which I had forgotten, caught my memory and I thought it might be worth telling. Although some people may be discussed by it, this really shows how much animals are a part of who I am.

The story starts back when I was about 4. We had just moved into our 250 year old farm house and 4 story barn when me and my four siblings at the time wanted pets like crazy. We wanted cows and cats and bunnies and every other kind of animal that small children want. However our parents did not want pets and we were forced to living pet-less for a while. I was not okay with this. So what did I do? I went and found a chipmunk. I loved that chipmunk so much. I carried him around and made him a little bed and house. I was in total heaven. And then one day I showed my mom my new friend. My mom saw the little thing and then looked at me. She told me that he was dead. But not to worry, he wasn't dead. He was sleeping. At least, in my 4 year old mind he was sleeping. For about three days the whole thing lasted. Until my mom made me bury my first furry friend. Poor little guy, he was just having a long, long, nap.

NOTE: There may be more mistakes in grammar and spelling in this post, this is because 1. I am too lazy to check for them, and 2. I got a new computer for Christmas and my typing skills are not fully in check yet.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Christmas Christmas

For obvious reasons Christmas has been on my mind quite often lately. And in my many moments of thinking about it, I thought about the huge craze that everyone goes through to get everyone they know a great gift.

I don't know if its this year, or if it's just that I'm old enough to notice, how much Christmas is JUST about gifts. Although for some people it is about being with family and celebrating the birth of our Lord, for many it's a stressful time of year.

One thing that really got my attention was the music. So many schools have been banned from singing Christmas songs that are too 'holy' or 'christian'. I was so blown away by this! Something similar to this is, the colors red and green have been banned from dress wear for students performing what they call a "Winter Concert".

On to the last topic of Christmas that I do want to add on, presents. Although, I can't complain about getting nice things under the tree every year, I can't help feel like some kids just don't get it. I read a story online about this new "leap pad tablet" so... and iPad for toddlers. I read that so many stores had ran out of stock and parents were desperate to get them. There going price was 100 dollars, but when stores ran out, parents started buying for much much more than that. There was a small stock of them online for sale that were flying out of stock for over 300 dollars! How desperate these parents are to get their babies a tablet! When I was a small child I received PJ's and baby dolls (that DIDN'T require batteries) and good old barbie dolls. Don't get me wrong, I understand the world must progress in some way, but giving a 3year-old a tablet, even if it's made for 3year-old's, is just too much for me to handle.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fish Drama already.

I couldn't believe that in two days, my two tetras died. However, I better go back a few days to explain whats happening. 

So about a week and a half ago I got one 'balloon belly' mollies fish and two neon tetras. I put them into my tank that already had my upside down catfish living in it. They seemed really good at first, although one of the tetras seemed a little out of sorts. 

I watched the new 4 fish get along really well for several hours, and nothing seemed wrong to me. Sadly only a few hours later I found one of the little tetras 'taking a nap' on the bottom of the tank. The poor little squirt had died. I thought it must have just been sick and was going to die anyway. However two days later the other tetra joined his friend in tetra heaven. 

It hardly bothered me because I don't get attached to fish very much. What did worry me is that either 1) the tetras had a sickness that the remaining two fish would get or 2) something's up with my water and the mollies fish was going to go too. However neither of the two were correct because my mollies fish is doing really well with no signs of illness. However now I have to go back to the pet store and pick out some friends for little snowball. 

One last thing, if you've never seen either a 'balloon belly' mollies fish or mini upside down catfish, I recommend looking them up on Google image. They are really amazing. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Once upon a time...

So, I'm new to this whole blogging thing but I thought I would give it a try. First of all I think I should tell you that I am not a very skilled writer, and I'm not going to spend too much time perfecting my posts. One more thing is that I don't know how often I'll be posting anything, but it should be at least once a month. I expect it will be more like two or three times a month.

All-righty I was thinking for the first post I would (try to) explain what exactly I'm going to be posting, just so you know if you'll be interested in reading anything here.

There are three things in my life that seem to over power my mind quite often. The first is animals. And although there are a lot of people in the world that are animal lovers I have put my self in a different category. I am not an animal lover, I am an animal freak. Throughout the years I have raised more that a few kinds of animals, some house pets, and some pets that only someone like me (or maybe no one else... I'm not sure) would ever even consider letting into the house.

The second thing that fascinates me is music. Specifically playing musical instruments. I currently play the piano, violin, and guitar along with singing. I am in a small band called "Tres Sorores" in which I am the lead vocalist and guitarist. For the most part I'll be talking about my piano and violin, a more classical aspect of my musical life.

The third part in which my mind in captivated by is God. Although, I am not going to post a large number of posts on Religion because I don't want to offend anyone, I want all my readers (should any be out there) that I am a 'believer' and a strong one at that.

One last thing before I end this endless seeming post, I wanted to explain a little about the title of my blog. "I have crickets in my closet" is a phrase that I find myself saying quite often. Whenever my life seems dull, or boring I just remind myself that I do have crickets in my closet. For the fact of the matter is that I really do keep my small container of crickets, that I feed to my leopard gecko, in my closet.