A blog that touches on life's many ways in a different prospective.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Another School Paper...

 Yesterday I had to write a 45 minute essay on Christ's presence in the Eucharist. I think it turned out to be a pretty good paper and I just kind of feel like sharing it. I think you should read it no matter what religion you are. Enjoy!

                                                               The Eucharist

            Catholic’s believe that the Eucharist is the true body and blood of Christ. However over 25,000 Protestant religions believe that the body and blood of Christ is symbolic and not literal. The Eucharist is one of the biggest differences between Catholics and Protestants. However, looking closely it can be seen that Christ truly is present in the Eucharist.
            In Mk 14:22-24, I Cor 10:14-17 Mt 26:26-28 and Lk 22:17-20 Jesus specifically says to eat His flesh and drink His blood. And in all of these passages He is speaking in a non-symbolic way.  However, in Jn 6:51 and Mt 16:5-12 Christ speaks about food in a symbolic way. He says in Jn 6:55 “my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink”[1]. Because of the choice of words used in this case, to translate it in a symbolic or figurative way would be very hard. Thus it can be understood that Christ meant exactly what He said. The contrast between the two ways Christ spoke of food in all of the above passages from the Bible show that there is much more to learn than what it seems.
            Protestants believe that Jesus meant that if we believe in Him that He will feed us spiritually. And that when He said eat and drink of My body and blood He meant, come and believe in Me and you will be nourished.  This comes from John 6:35. However if that passage is read further in, Christ once again says that His body is the bread of life and whoever eats of His flesh shall be nourished. And even further in that passage Christ explains exactly what He means when He calls Himself “bread”. He says that the bread is His own literal flesh. Once this argument is brought up, Protestants usually bring up John 6:63 which says, “It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.”[2] They believe that this verse means that Christ was speaking figuratively when He said His flesh was bread and was to be eaten. However, Christ says ‘the flesh’ not ‘my flesh’ in this passage. What He means by ‘the flesh is of no avail’ is the unbelieving man who can believe in things that can only be found using sense and reason, and not in Christ. If that passage was translated that ‘the flesh’ meant Christ’s flesh Christ would be saying that His own flesh was of no importance, which even Protestants know is not the case. Without Christ’s body He could not have died on the cross and saved all men from sin.
 Christ spoke so literally of His body being the bread of life that some of His disciples left Him.  It would not make sense for Christ to let His disciples leave if He only meant that His body was a symbolic food, and His blood was only a symbolic drink. Also, in Aramaic to symbolically eat flesh or drink blood was another way of saying to persecute and assault someone. If Christ was in fact speaking symbolically the passage “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood will have eternal life”[3] would be translated “Whoever persecutes and assaults me will have eternal life.”[4] And to believe that Christ would say something like that is impossible.
Another common argument brought up by Protestants is that if the Eucharist really is the body and blood of Christ Catholics should be considered cannibals. However at the Last Supper Christ made the sharing of His body and blood into a sacrament. Which means the bloodiness of cannibalism was removed.
Before the Reformation it was a common belief to believe that the Eucharist was the body and blood of Christ. Early Church fathers wrote about the topic frequently. St. Cyril from Jerusalem gave catechetical lectures that once included a talk on the Eucharist. He said not to regard the bread and wine as simply food and drink because indeed they are the body and blood of Christ.
Christ is truly present in the Eucharist. It is not too difficult to believe that if all of the passages mentioned above are read and considered.  He states several times in the Bible that whoever eats His flesh and drinks His blood with live forever.

[1] John 6:55
[2] John 6:63
[3] John 6:54
[4] Beginning Apologetics 1, Father Frank Chacon and Jim Burnham,  page 8

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Update... I guess?

When I started this blog I didn't have in mind that it would be one of those diary type blogs. You know the kind, where people tell you all about their problems, what makes them happy etc.  However, I know its time for a new post on here and all I can think about is my 'life' in general. So I guess here is an 'Update' on my life:

As you may know, I was cast as 'Ruth' in 'Pirates of Penzance' for my high school's spring musical. This past week there has been practice from 10-4:30 everyday. Except today, which went until 6. That will give you an idea of why it's very hard for me to think about anything else.

This is my fourth year in a row as belonging to this particular theater group, and I've learned a lot about the people around me and about people in general. At Greater Portland Christian School, which is the school at which I do theater, the kids are really... different. Four years ago when I joined, more than half the school kids didn't know who I was and didn't care. I hung out with the fellow home schoolers and had a great time. However throughout the years I've really started to belong with the school kids. Particularly this year. Also, when I first started going to theater here back in seventh grade, I looked up to the big kids as the most perfect people in the whole world. I thought that because they got the leads in the shows and that they actually knew where they were going to college that they were completely perfect, and I wanted to be just like them. This year however I am one of the 'big kids' or 'leads'. I have a few little girls following me around, wanting to talk to me or get a piggy back ride whenever possible. This got me thinking: Why is it that they think I am any better than they are? I surly don't feel any better. I do have a lead in the show, but that is because during auditions the director liked the way I sounded. Not because I was a perfect singer who was going to be a famous person some day. Although I don't mind the kids attention I just wish I could tell them somehow that I'm no different than they are.

As it is spring, school is a pressing issue. This week I haven't been able to do much school at all, in fact I really haven't done any. Tomorrow, my first day off since last Sunday, is going to be 90% filled with school. The other 10% is for Mass. I am hoping to finish school by the end of the first week of June. I've been thinking a lot about this and I've gotten myself worried. Then I realized that it doesn't matter when I end. I'm going to end at some point, and next fall I will be starting Junior year. Why not just take time and enjoy life AND enjoy being a sophomore while I can? So that's my plan. Work my butt off trying to finish, just so I can have a nice summer vacation, but not worry so much about is, as most people do.

I think that's quite enough for one post, don't you?

As my friends in the theater call me,


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ralph the kazoo-ing bear.

There once was a man who lived in Kalamazoo. He provided for his family by playing kazoo. Only on Sunday's would he take a break; H'd sit down with his family and eat some nice steak. One day on a Sunday afternoon, he took his family too see the new zoo. They saw many animals that sunny day, but one special animal made them all stay. His name was Ralph and he was a great bear; for years he had stayed in his cage in a chair. But one thing was special about this bear in the zoo- he was known for playing a special kazoo. The man and his family were so very ecstatic; but the zookeepers cautioned, 'his behavior's erratic!' But the man and his family had such great faith. They knew this bear needed a happier place. They then left the zoo, leaving the bear; making a promise, a great thing declared: "we will return, and get our friend!" So when night fell, they hatched a great plan. "He'll come live with us!" shouted the man. The family donned ski masks as they let for the zoo, preparing to take the bear with kazoo. They arrived at the zoo and snuck into the grounds, making sure nobody was there or around. They went up to the cage and broke off his lock, the bear stepped out smiling saying "let's rock!" The whole family pulled out there fancy kazoos, and they all played a tune as the ran from the zoo. The family got in the car with the bear in the rear. And when they got back, the bear was in tears. He was happier than happy that he was now free, and he cordially thanked his great new family. They all played the kazoo like never before, and the old silence on Sunday tradition was no more. Here we end our tale today, they all lived well, happy and gay.

A lovely story by Than Peterson, written on my iPhone just for me. :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

How to Make an Amazing Moist Reptile House

This morning I woke up and looked at my leopard gecko's 50 gallon bow front tank, and saw that it looked really plain and bad. I then decided that I was going to rearrange his habitat, and while I was doing this I thought of the following project that will turn any boring reptile habitat into something spectacular. Well at least, that would be nice right? Well, here goes:

Before I tell you what you're going to need to make this, I'd better tell you exactly what we're making. Most reptiles require a 'moist house' in their habitat for when they are going to shed their skin. This house must have a substrate that holds moisture very well, and the house must be pretty closed off, you know, sealed other than a door. That way the humidity stays very high in there. In the following pictures you can see that I used a diaper wipe box for my 'moist house' and this is because it is for my leopard gecko. If you have a larger reptile, use a larger, similar container.

Okay here's what you'll need:
1 container that will fit your reptile, and some substrate
Some reptile safe moss (I bought mine at a pet store, I recommend doing so)
A sheet of 'reptile carpet' (I used to use it as the substrate in my tank,  until I switched to sand. There are many natural looking colors and I had green so that's what I used)
Non-toxic hot glue gun, and glue for it

Step one:
Cut out a piece of reptile carpet out that is a little bigger than the top of your container. Make sure to leave a little extra around the edges, you'll see why later.

Step Two: Cut out a strip of the carpet as tall as your container. Cut the carpet so that it sticks off a few inches off each side of the front. (See next picture) This will give it a more natural look at the end. Also, cut out a space where the door is. Make sure your door is small, but at least as big as the largest area on your reptile. I also don't recommend having a door on the roof, as many people do. A door on the roof will reduce the humidity level. After you have it all cut out right, hot glue it to the front of your container, being careful not to glue it to the lip of the lid, otherwise in the future the lid wont open.
Step Three: Take the extra carpet that is sticking off the sides of your front, and hot glue them around the corner of your container, they will hopefully cover both of you sides. 
Step Four: If your front strip of carpet didn't cover all of the sides, cut out small pieces of carpet and glue them to where the sides are blank. We will not be covering the back of this container for a few different reasons. The main reason is that it will prevent us from being able to open the lid easily. It also wouldn't make much of a difference because in my habitat the back of this house is against a wall, and not visible. 
Step Five: Glue on the piece of carpet that you have measured for the top. Also you're going to want to trim the corners off this piece a little, other wise they will stick off your container a lot. 
Step Six: Nope! We're not done yet! Now we need to add some bling. (Reptile bling = moss :) So you need to take some dry (it must be really dry) moss and you can actually just stick it onto the carpet. It should stick pretty well. If for some reason it doesn't, just use some glue and decorate until you are satisfied.
Tony seems to like it! I hope you and your reptile do too!

Thanks for reading,
as always, 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rachel deserves a blog post.

My Alter Ego, Rachel, was so thoughtful and made a whole post for me on her blog (http://nutshellinmaine.blogspot.com/) and so I believe she deserves to have her own post on my blog!

Dear Rachel,
I had the best three-day weekend with you these past few days. I really miss not hanging out with you for long periods of time. I'm so freaking excited that I'll see you tomorrow at chorus. Even though we'll only see each other for a little while, I'm excited.
         I love love love your hair skillz and I'm going to need them with my new due (Is that how you spell like, hair due? I'm not sure...) Oh, you need to tell me what to say at girls chorus related to hair. However, I don't think I'm going to girls chorus this week, oh well.
             By the way, I love you. <3
                               As always,