A blog that touches on life's many ways in a different prospective.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fish Drama already.

I couldn't believe that in two days, my two tetras died. However, I better go back a few days to explain whats happening. 

So about a week and a half ago I got one 'balloon belly' mollies fish and two neon tetras. I put them into my tank that already had my upside down catfish living in it. They seemed really good at first, although one of the tetras seemed a little out of sorts. 

I watched the new 4 fish get along really well for several hours, and nothing seemed wrong to me. Sadly only a few hours later I found one of the little tetras 'taking a nap' on the bottom of the tank. The poor little squirt had died. I thought it must have just been sick and was going to die anyway. However two days later the other tetra joined his friend in tetra heaven. 

It hardly bothered me because I don't get attached to fish very much. What did worry me is that either 1) the tetras had a sickness that the remaining two fish would get or 2) something's up with my water and the mollies fish was going to go too. However neither of the two were correct because my mollies fish is doing really well with no signs of illness. However now I have to go back to the pet store and pick out some friends for little snowball. 

One last thing, if you've never seen either a 'balloon belly' mollies fish or mini upside down catfish, I recommend looking them up on Google image. They are really amazing. 


  1. Aww. :( too bad. I'm glad Retro (or whatever his name is) is ok

  2. Yep, me too. Mr. Catfish is all I call him
